Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) Non-financial guidelines
- Assigning rights to other health insurance to AHCCCS
- AHCCCS requires assignment of rights to medical benefits and cooperation. Payments from lawsuits, medical settlements, claims, or benefits are considered third-party liability.
- Linkage to the program through age or disability
- Living in ALTCS-approvable setting
- At home
- In a 24/7 care setting:
- Assisted living home
- Assisted living center
- Skilled nursing facility
- Not in a penal institution
- Applying for all potential benefits
- Did the applicant … … Serve in the military during a war-time period? … Work for …
- Federal government? State government? County government? City government? Employer(s) with pension plans
- If yes and not receiving benefits, the applicant must apply for these benefits.
- Verifiable Social Security number
- US Citizen or Qualified Alien
- Proof may include:
- US Passport
- US birth certificate
- Naturalization Certificate
- Citizenship Certificate
- Enhanced driver’s license
- Proof of birth in US territory
- Resident Alien card
- Departure record
- Verification of marital status
- Single Divorced Widowed Married Legally Separated
- Married couples get a higher income and higher resource limit.
- Arizona residency
- Identity verified