
We are the one-stop resource for long term care planning.


We understand the ins and outs of the ALTCS application.


Getting your legal documents completed can be easy.


A helpful guide to getting your benefits.


 With compassionate, helping, and understanding consultants.


 We educate you about all your long term care planning options.


Who we are

FREE ALTCS Assessment

Find out if you are potentially eligible for ALTCS.

FREE IOT Need Assessment

Find out if you may need an Income-Only Trust.

Other than trusts, what other options do I have to prevent probate of my assets when I die?

Other than trusts, what other options do I have to prevent probate of my assets when I die? POD, name beneficiaries, beneficiary deed, MVD form.

2018 Becoming a Paid Caregiver

You can become a paid caregiver for your loved one and ALTCS is here to help. UPDATED 07/30/2018 It's a new year with new information! Find below updated information on becoming a paid caregiver for a friend or family member on ALTCS.* Step 1:...

Arizona Medicare Savings Plans Increase Income Limits for year 2017

Learn more about Arizona’s Medicare Savings Plans. Saving Medicare beneficiaries at least ~$1284.00 a year.

Average Long Term Care Costs in Arizona

Statistically speaking, 1 out of 2 people will need long term care in their lifetime. After age 70, that statistic is 1 in 3. Are you prepared?

ALTCS Non-financial guidelines

This blog provides information about the non-financial criteria for the ALTCS program in Arizona (Medicaid).

5 Ways for Healthcare Providers to Get Ready for New Medicare Cards

Medicare is taking steps to remove Social Security numbers from Medicare cards.

Happy New Year!

In January 2014, the following Eligibility Standards Changes will occur: 1. Federal Benefit Rates (FBR), 2. Medicare Part B Premium will remain the same at $104.90, 3. Medicare Part D Extra Help Subsidy for Arizona decreased from $29.41 to $27.49, 4. Community Spouse Standards.

2016 ALTCS and Medicare Savings Plan Updates

Provides updated numbers for ALTCS and Medicare Savings Plans effective January and February 2016

Your one-stop resource for life planning …

We also help with insurance services (Medicare, property & casualty, life, etc.) and legal document preparation.

Becoming Income Eligible for ALTCS When You’re Over the Limit

Using the income-only trust (AKA: Miller Trust) to income qualify for ALTCS.

What you can do to prepare for the ALTCS Medical Evaluation (PAS)

A tip sheet to help you prepare for the ALTCS Medical Evaluation (PAS) appointment
keywords: altcs, altcs pas, preadmission screening, tips, medical need for long term care, PAS assessment, medical records, prescriptions list, medical conditions, medical diagnoses, neurologist

ALTCS approvals dependent on living arrangement setting

ALTCS cannot approve a potential member unless he/she is in living in an appropriate ALTCS setting. If you are searching for an assisted living facility/home …

Legal documents fee schedule

Legal documents fee schedule

Legal Documents Fee Schedule & Explanation of Document Types

Legal document fee list & explanation of document types

YEAR 2019 ALTCS and Medicare Savings Plans Standards – Update 02/01/19

AHCCCS / ALTCS / Medicare Cost-Sharing programs have updates multiple times a year. Some numbers change in January, some in February, some in July, and some in October.

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