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Mailing Address:
PO Box 458 Mesa, AZ 85211

Business Hours
9:00 am – 5:00 pm (M-T)
Closed (F)

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ALTCS believes in education; giving you an idea what it will cost allows you to make an informed decision.

$180.00 per hour

Break the Long Term Care Myths

We listen to our friends/neighbors and believe that their experiences will be true for us. While it is great to talk with friends and neighbors about their experiences, the information you receive may not be reliable, true or apply to your situation.

The cost to get reliable and true information that applies to your situation whether it be for government benefit programs (ALTCS/VA), legal documents, or Income-Only Trust information.

Legal Document Preparation

Cost listed includes signing/explanation appointment, notarization, witness, mileage to/from appointment (Phoenix-Metro), and recording fee (deeds only). 

Life Care Planning

Financial Power of Attorney

This document allows someone whom you name to be able to take care of your financial choices while you are alive if you no longer want or can no longer make those decisions yourself.


Medical / Health Care Power of Attorney

This document allows someone whom you name to be able to make your medical treatment choices while you are alive when you can no longer make those decisions yourself.


Mental Health Care Power of Attorney

This document allows someone whom you name to be able to make your mental health care choices while you are alive when you can no longer make those decisions yourself.


Living Will (Advanced Directives)

This document allows you to express which medical treatments you do/don’t want at the end of your life or when you are in a vegetative state or in a coma.


Dementia - Oral Feeding Directive

This Advanced Directive allows you to express how you do/don’t want to be fed or receive fluids when you are diagnosed with Dementia.


HIPAA Waiver

This document will provide authorization for your loved ones to access to your medical records.


Final Disposition

This document will provide your family with guidance on what to do with your remains after you pass away.


Life Care Planning (LCP) - Single

Package A bundle includes Financial, Medical, and Mental Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will and DNR.

Package B includes Financial, Medical, and Mental Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will, Dementia Advanced Directive Oral Feeding/Fluids, HIPAA Waiver, Final Disposition, and DNR.

$325.00 (A), $450.00 (B)

Life Care Planning (LCP) - Couple

Package A bundle includes Financial, Medical, and Mental Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will and DNR for a couple.

Package B includes Financial, Medical, and Mental Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will, Dementia Advanced Directive Oral Feeding/Fluids, HIPAA Waiver, Final Disposition, and DNR for a couple.

$650.00 (A), $900.00 (B)

Estate Planning

Last Will & Testatment

This document tells who will manage and divide your assets after your death.


Will Package - Single

Package A bundle includes Financial, Medical, and Mental Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will, DNR, and Last Will & Testament.

Package B includes Financial, Medical, and Mental Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will, Dementia Advanced Directive Oral Feeding/Fluids, HIPAA Waiver, Final Disposition, DNR, Last Will & Testament, and Beneficiary Deed.

$675.00 (A), $875.00 (B)

Will Package - Couple

Package A bundle includes Financial, Medical, and Mental Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will, DNR, and Last Will & Testament for a couple.

Package B includes Financial, Medical, and Mental Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will, Dementia Advanced Directive Oral Feeding/Fluids, HIPAA Waiver, Final Disposition, DNR, and Last Will & Testament for a couple and a Beneficiary Deed.

$1,350.00 (A), $1,550.00 (B)

Last Will & Testamentary Trust

This document tells who will manage, divide, and provides instructions to hold all or some of your assets in trust after your death.


Codicil to Will

This document makes minor changes to a will you currently have in place.


Trust Amendment

This document makes minor changes to a trust you currently have in place.



This document indicates a property ownership change to your property now or at death.


Special Warranty


Estate Planning Portfolio - Single

Includes Financial, Medical, and Mental Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will, Dementia Advanced Directive Oral Feeding/Fluids, HIPAA Waiver, Final Disposition, DNR, Last Will & Testament, and Trust.


Estate Planning Portfolio - Couple

Includes Financial, Medical, and Mental Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will, Dementia Advanced Directive Oral Feeding/Fluids, HIPAA Waiver, Final Disposition, DNR, Last Will & Testament for a couple and a joint Trust.


Other Documents & Trusts

Caregiver Agreement

An agreement between a caregiver and person cared for that outlines the financial arrangement (fees earned for services provided). Includes time log and pay sheet.


Other Trusts

Special Needs Trust
VA/Medicaid Planning Trust
Special Treatment Trust under 65


Income-Only Trust (Basic - DIY)


Income-Only/Miller Trust
Basic To-Do List


Income-Only Trust (Premium - Hands On)


Income-Only/Miller Trust
Premium To-Do List
Completed Forms for ALTCS
2 hrs. of IOT Consulting
Assistance opening IOT account
Home Visit Fee (Maricopa County)


Income-Only Trust (Standard - DIY w/ Guide)


Income-Only/Miller Trust
Standard To-Do List
Blank Forms for ALTCS


FREE ALTCS Assessment

Find out if you are potentially eligible for ALTCS.

FREE IOT Need Assessment

Find out if you may need an Income-Only Trust.