In #Arizona, only 1 in 4 people have done their #lifecareplanning. Who will be #YOU when you can’t be? Learn about some of the documents here & call us now to change that statistic! 480-464-4968
#makeit4in4 #maiaus #cldp #wecanhelp

Arizona 1 in 4

Who will make decisions for you when you cannot? Life and end-of-life care planning is important!

Do Not Resuscitate

DNR – please do not revive me or hook me to machines to keep me alive.

Financial Power of Attorney

Who will make financial decisions for you when you cannot?

Medical or Health Care Power of Attorney

Who will make medical decisions for you when you cannot?

Mental Health Care Power of Attorney

Who will make mental health care decisions for you when you cannot?

Advanced Directives

Do you want to be kept alive at all costs or do you have limitations you want honored?

Dementia Oral Feeding Directive

Do you want to be hand-fed in advanced stages of dementia?

HIPAA Waiver

Access medical records & personally identifiable records

Final Disposition

Cremation or burial