2021 marks our 30th year in the industry AND our 20th year in business. We are so very blessed by the countless customers who have entrusted us with their situations and so very blessed by the community of people who have referred those customers our way. It has been a pleasure serving you these past 30 years. As for many, 2020 was a year of self-reflection for George and me. We reached many personal milestones this year and have worked on both our personal and professional development. It is with both joy and sadness that we announce retirement from our business. Effective immediately, we will not be taking on any NEW customers for ALTCS Planning and Legal Document Preparation. We will, of course, finish any work we started. 🙂 We do still have our Medicare Insurance business. www.maia-us.com 1-877-482-8878
“And maybe that was how it was supposed to be…Joy and sadness were part of the package; the trick perhaps, was to let yourself feel all of it, but hold on to the joy just a little more tightly…” – Kristin Hannah
Thank you for the memories.