Nov 28, 2017 | 2017, ALTCS, Consulting, Coverage, Medicaid, Paid Caregiving, resources
ALTCS Medical Evaluation (PAS) Tips Click PAS appointment tips.2017 for a PDF version of this post Allow ALTCS applicant to answer the questions first (preserve his/her dignity). Help ALTCS applicant clarify responses (example: if he/she says he/she is bathing herself...
Sep 28, 2017 | 2017, Advanced Directives, Deeds, Estate Planning, Health Care Directives, Legal document preparation, Power of Attorney, Prevent Probate, Trust
Did you know ONLY 1 in 4 people in Arizona have completed their life and end-of-life care planning legal documents & over 60% of people lack will or estate planning ( In Arizona alone, our adult population is over 5 million people (US Census). That means...
Aug 3, 2017 | 2017, ALTCS, Consulting, LTC Costs
Statistically speaking, 1 out of 2 people will need long term care in their lifetime. After age 70, that statistic is 1 in 3. Are you...
Jul 14, 2017 | 2017, CLDP, Consulting, Deeds, Estate Planning, Legal document preparation, Prevent Probate, Trust
For financial accounts there is a document that you can sign at the institution. This document is known as the POD or Paid on Death designation form. This allows the named beneficiaries to provide your death certificate and their identification to prove they are the...
Jun 27, 2017 | 2017, AHCCCS, ALTCS, Resource eligibility
Persons who need ALTCS who are also married to a spouse still living in the community get to use the rules referred to as “Community Spouse” rules. These rules entitle the couple to retain a greater share of the assets and still potentially qualify for the...