Jan 6, 2018 | 2018, AHCCCS, ALTCS, Changes, income, Medicare Savings Plan, Resource eligibility, resources
Click Y2018 ALTCS-MSP.standards.010118v2 for a pdf version of this information ALTCS Individual Standards $2,250.00—ALTCS Monthly Income Limit $2,000.00—Resource Limit Medicare Savings Plan Individual Standards $1,005.01—QMB Income Limit $1,005.01—$1,206.00—SLMB...
Apr 20, 2017 | 2017, AHCCCS, ALTCS, Consulting, income, Income-Only Trust / Miller Trust, Medicaid
Often times there are people who can qualify for ALTCS because they are financially and medically eligible. When those situations arise it is best for that someone to apply for the ALTCS program without the assistance of a company like ALTCSPlanning.net. In order to...