Jun 14, 2018 | 2018, ALTCS, Consulting, Medicaid, Paid Caregiving, Uncategorized
FOUR things to keep in mind regarding ALTCS medical eligibility (PAS – Pre-Admission Screening) The eligibility is getting tougher. For example, it used to be that a dementia diagnosis in the chart was sufficient. Now, it must be documented by a neurologist. If...
Nov 28, 2017 | 2017, ALTCS, Consulting, Coverage, Medicaid, Paid Caregiving, resources
ALTCS Medical Evaluation (PAS) Tips Click PAS appointment tips.2017 for a PDF version of this post Allow ALTCS applicant to answer the questions first (preserve his/her dignity). Help ALTCS applicant clarify responses (example: if he/she says he/she is bathing herself...