2015 Social Security Changes

Each year based on the Consumer Price Index Social Security makes some changes. The Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security and SSI beneficiaries will be 1.7% increase. The Tax Rate for employees and self-employed remains the same at 7.65% and 15.30%...


ALTCS does not cover some medical-related expenses BUT they do allow a customer to submit those expenses and have them deducted from the Share of Cost so the customer can pay the bill him/herself. If you decide you want to submit the non-covered medical expenses,...

Changes to stay and changes to come…

Summer is almost over and fall is on it’s way! We hope you had a wonderful summer, staying cool and enjoying some swimming. We have been very busy over the summer and are looking to update our website to be even more user friendly, computer, tablet and phone....

Summer is here!

We hope you are staying cool and encourage you to drink as much water as possible. On July 1, 2014, the following Eligibility Standards Changes will occur: 1. The Monthly Spousal Need (MSN) increased from $1939.00 to $1967.00. 2. The Excess Shelter Allowance increased...