May 20, 2017 | 2017, AHCCCS, ALTCS, Changes, income, Medicaid
YEAR 2017 ALTCS/MSP GUIDELINES As of February 1, 2017 ALTCS Individual Standards $ 2,205.00—ALTCS Monthly Income Limit $ 2,000.00—Resource Limit Medicare Savings Plan Individual Standards $ 1,005.00—QMB Income Limit $ 1,005.01—$1,206.00—SLMB Income Limit...
Mar 31, 2015 | 2015, AHCCCS, ALTCS, income, Medicaid, Uncategorized
On February 1, 2015, the following Eligibility Standards Changes occurred: SSI-MAO Non-Cash and Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) income standards increased from $973.00 to $981.00 for a one (1) person household and $1311.00 to $1328.00 for a two (2) person...
Dec 11, 2014 | AHCCCS, ALTCS, income, Medicaid, Share of Cost
Each year based on the Consumer Price Index Social Security makes some changes. The Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security and SSI beneficiaries will be 1.7% increase. The Tax Rate for employees and self-employed remains the same at 7.65% and 15.30%...
Mar 28, 2014 | AHCCCS, ALTCS, Medicare Savings Plan
On April 1, 2014, the following Eligibility Standards Changes will occur: 1. SSI-MAO and QMB Income Standards increased from $958 to $973 for single individuals and $1,293 to $1,311 for couples. 2. SLMB Income Standards range increased from $958.01 – $1,149 to...