Aug 2, 2018 | 2018, AHCCCS, ALTCS, Changes
PDF version of this information As of July 1, 2018 (blue text only updated in July 2018) ALTCS Individual Standards $2,250.00—ALTCS Monthly Income Limit $2,000.00—Resource Limit Medicare Savings Plan Individual Standards $1,012.00—QMB Income Limit...
May 20, 2017 | 2017, AHCCCS, ALTCS, Changes, income, Medicaid
YEAR 2017 ALTCS/MSP GUIDELINES As of February 1, 2017 ALTCS Individual Standards $ 2,205.00—ALTCS Monthly Income Limit $ 2,000.00—Resource Limit Medicare Savings Plan Individual Standards $ 1,005.00—QMB Income Limit $ 1,005.01—$1,206.00—SLMB Income Limit...
Jan 5, 2017 | 2017, AHCCCS, ALTCS, Changes, income, Medicaid, resources
Each year, the federal benefit rate (FBR) changes in January. This impacts the ALTCS income limits, personal needs allowance, and spousal resource deductions. Here is an updated standards list: YEAR 2017 ALTCS/MSP GUIDELINES As of January 2017 ALTCS Individual...
Oct 8, 2015 | 2015, AHCCCS, ALTCS, Changes, Consulting, income, Medicaid, resources, Room & Board, Share of Cost
ALTCS uses some specific numbers in their community spouse monthly income allowance calculation. The numbers used in the calculation change three times a year. Effective October 1, 2015, the following numbers changed: $ 271.00 Standard Utility Allowance; this amount...
Mar 31, 2015 | 2015, AHCCCS, ALTCS, income, Medicaid, Uncategorized
On February 1, 2015, the following Eligibility Standards Changes occurred: SSI-MAO Non-Cash and Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) income standards increased from $973.00 to $981.00 for a one (1) person household and $1311.00 to $1328.00 for a two (2) person...